About MSL
For 35 years, the Maryland Student Legislature (MSL) has provided college students with an immersive experience in the workings of state government. Established with the goal of fostering civic engagement and nurturing future leaders, MSL offers participants a simulated legislative environment mirroring the Maryland General Assembly.
MSL provides practical experience in drafting and debating bills, navigating parliamentary procedure, and understanding the legislative process. These hands-on experiences serve as a foundation for potential careers in government, law, and public service.
MSL was founded at the University of Maryland, College Park in 1989. Johns Hopkins University and Western Maryland College (now McDaniel College) attended the first event. We trace our roots to the North Carolina Student Legislature, founded in 1937.
A Message from the Governor
“The Maryland Student Legislature is a unique organization that provides students across the state of Maryland with the opportunity to develop skills, form new connections, and engage with policymakers. State and local governments influence every aspect of our lives, and I encourage all students to join MSL and gain a better understanding of how critical policy decisions are made and form a path to public service.”
Kiran Varghese
36th Governor of MSL
Student at the University of Maryland, College Park

The MSL program is governed by the Council of State, comprised of six students elected statewide by their peers. These students, together with the chairs of each college’s delegation, organize MSL student events around the state.
Supporting the program is a 501(c)3 nonprofit led by the Board of Directors, which ensures that the program operates in a legally and financially stable manner and manages relationships with our partner institutions.

Each year, MSL honors nine individuals for their outstanding contributions to the program. Eight awards recognize students for their work in leadership, bill authorship, command of the debate floor, and other areas; the Susan Dill McConkey Award recognizes one university faculty or staff member, MSL Board member, volunteer, or other non-student for their support of the program.

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